Saturday, December 8, 2007

New pics, Family and Chucky Cheese!!!

See my little star on the TV?

Chuck Cheese! the biggest rocking horse I have ever seen!!!! Kids loved it!

Hold still Di Di I love you and I;m going to kiss you!

Carlow picking his sisters up from pretend work!

Carlow with his Great Gram giving kisses!!!

This is my youngest daughter who if you haven't guessed from the picture she is my mischeivious one. She was pretenting to pout I stuck the camera down and clicked this pic.

My oldest daughter who makes me so very proud! She wants to be the little Mama and bosses everyone. She is such a wonderful helper and can be oh so serious, and did I mention she is my Drama Queen!!!


Charlotte said...

Bekah !

I love the picture of the big horse ! How cute !

THe kids are all so special in their own way !

I have three like you ! I think though I have 2 bosses, lol.


Mussipitz said...

Hello Bekah,

I just dropped over your blog... and your kids are sooo sweet... it makes me have more kids too...

Cant wait to come back and

Greetings from Germany...



