Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Library update

Today we went to the library it was story time and craft time today. Girls had a blast and I was all ready for a fight. I have been stewing for a week. The girls listened to the stories very intently and they loved the wiggle games. Then they made apple critters! Carlow used peanut butter and his critter never got made but was devoured. Cordie and Katie had marshmellow cream and grape heads pretzle sticks for legs rasins for spots. they were so cute net time I will take pictures. Okay now we head down to check out and I'm steeling myself to face this and show my kids that I am their mother. So as we are checking out I started the conversation that last week I was asked to prove they were my daughters and the head librarian smiled and said don't worry that is not a problem sorry that you had to go through that. And that was the end of it, took the wind out of my sails. It was such a relief and the kids were all watching so they know that Mama bear was there to make sure they knew they were MY CHILDREN! :) Well God Bless everyone, Bekah one blessed mommy

1 comment:

A said...

I'm so glad things went better this time! I've been thinking about you all week ; )

Thanks again for the care package you sent with Lonna ; ) I will be sure to get the sling back to in case you need it again in the future ; )

Take care...


