Saturday, December 8, 2007

New pics, Family and Chucky Cheese!!!

See my little star on the TV?

Chuck Cheese! the biggest rocking horse I have ever seen!!!! Kids loved it!

Hold still Di Di I love you and I;m going to kiss you!

Carlow picking his sisters up from pretend work!

Carlow with his Great Gram giving kisses!!!

This is my youngest daughter who if you haven't guessed from the picture she is my mischeivious one. She was pretenting to pout I stuck the camera down and clicked this pic.

My oldest daughter who makes me so very proud! She wants to be the little Mama and bosses everyone. She is such a wonderful helper and can be oh so serious, and did I mention she is my Drama Queen!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finger Painting

Hi everyone I was going to write about our experience with finger painting but instead I'm going to let these pics tell the story for me. Love, Bekah

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Update on Carlow's medical and Life in general!

Hi Everyone, Okay this might just end up one very long paragraph because it's not letting me separate and use the enter key. Okay so Carlow first we have been to the Geneticist Dr. Bay in Lexington she is very sweet and listened and asked questions. Carlow has ectrodactyly with very mild ectrodermal dysplaysia symptoms (peg tooth and thin hair growth). We are just very pleased to know what we are dealing with! Carlow is the sweetest little boy with a smile that will melt your heart. He is also most likely going to be our sprinter when he gets older. He is trying to mimic our sounds now which is so funny he has a very high pitch voice still so baby like. We will try and capture it on video and embed it so you can hear it as well. Shriners has taken a wait and see attitude with his feet as well and I'm not at all comfortable with that. I want him to not have foot pain when he is older and if that means doing something now I would like to be doing something NOW. So we will probably try and get a second opinion early next year. Well now let me update you on our Cordie she is really trying to be the older sister and she wants to be little Mama which doesn't work for me lol. So we are working on changing that to Mama's helper instead of little miss boss a lot. It works some of the time hoping, with work it will be more effective.She is hyper sensitive especially if your correcting her. She has also just grown by leaps and bounds she is wearing most 5T things I still have to either find slims, adjustable waists or just take them up by hand for them to fit her right. Her hair is getting so long and I can't believe that she will have been ours for 2 yrs this coming March. Seems like she has been ours since the beginning of time. I have started holding the girls and singing to them before bed, just silly songs that I have made up in my head now they want them every night I guess I'm going to have to write the words down because I can't remember them the same and the "remind me" how it's supposed to go. Cordie has just surprised me so much lately we were putting our tree up for Christmas and I asked the girls to tell me what Christmas...Here's their version of Jesus's life....Mary and Joseph had baby Jesus he is God's son and he had to sleep in the hay because they didn't have room any where else. And then Jesus grew up and he died for our skins but he's not dead he rose again and he lives in our hearts. Katie well let me tel you about our little ham and cheese she went RUNNING through the house yesterday and slammed into the bedroom door I thought I was going to have to make a trip to the emergency room she hit right above her left eye it's still swollen ad if we hadn't had ice on it immediately she wouldn't have been able to open it at all. She is doing much better and is enjoying telling anyone who will listen about her boo boo. Well I'm going to close this now I have been working on this on and off all day as the kids permit. Love and God Bless you all, Bekah

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

3 AM no sleep + 3 Kids + Dr. Appointments + 3 hour Drive home =????

That should = 9 hours worth of pampering? 9 hours of someone rubbing my feet and brushing my hair? 9 hours of peace and quiet?
LOL but no that just equals LIFE and theres no time for any of that! OH but I can wish!
I don't know what it is but every time we visit Tracye we lose something last time we lost a BIG BAG of our bows and bands we use to put our hair up, this time I was really upset getting the girls dressed the girls Dora shoes each had one missing from the same foot. Thankfully we found the shoes after much searching.
We have a long day ahead of us and I will post about it soon. Please pray that I make it through the day with so little sleep I'm already tired LOL and that doesn't bode well for the day. Bekah

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Shriners and Carlow's little feet

Hey everyone we have another appointment at Shriners on Tuesday for Carlow's feet I am in prayer that God leads the Dr.s to make the best choices for him. We are a little concerned about how he walks, don't get me wrong you will never find a child who can move faster! When I prayed for my little Lightening Bug what was I thinking! LOL
But seriously he is walking on the side of his left foot it is turning out and I don't want to hurt him but putting shoes on feels like I'm having to turn his foot to get his shoe on. We are in prayer that this is something that the Dr.s can fix and that when he grows it will not slow him down one bit.
On a much lighter note! We are yet again going to visit with Tracye!! YEAH!!! And even higher note my sister in love is going with me!!!!!! So Wan Chun will get to meet Tracye and via versa!
On yet another note I'm not looking forward to this drive and for the life of me I can't find Carlow's immunization book AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Life with 3 kids has been challenging and with Brad starting a new job and being at work instead of around the house the kids are having to adjust to that it's not been easy. Lets start with little miss Cordie cutting the back of her hair (no I don't have pics) I was trimming their hair and whoaaaa what's this? A section of her hair is layered in the back! Then I notice that beside her bangs is some shorter pieces also.... her loving sister Katie helped in this hair cut!
Okay and shall we begin the list of things they are attmpting to get away with lol Cordie wants to be the little Mama and boss everyone else around Katie has taken the role of I'm sorry were you talking to me? and Carlow well he feels that his smile should just melt your heart and make you bend to his will (yes it's hard to resist!) Over all life is busy but wonderful and I wouldn't change one thing except to give me more of the horrible P (patience) word and I'm not asking Lord I promise! Some days I feel like I'm rushing to get through things instead of enjoying them! But honestly it's hard to get out the door with two girls who as your going out the door realise they have to go and one sometimes doesn't make it! And about that time Carlow figures it's bathroom time okay and mommy gets to change his stinky diaper! LOL I know these days will be gone before I know it because Katie and Cordie have just grown up so fast. They have matured and have become beautiful little girls instead of my babies!
Okay closing this now cause I'm getting weepy and all mushy no one wants to hear all this stuff LOL
Hugs nad God Bless you all,

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Doctor Visits and Family

Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to fill you in we are in Lexington. We have had a slue of things going on. We love Dr. Taylor, God Bless her and Yes we will be driving all the way here to bring the kids. Thankfully we can visit with Tracye!
Tomorrow is our Shriners visit adn I will write more about that later. Bit today they did a renal ultrasound and things look normal Praise God!
They also did X-Rays and his spine looks normal YEAH!!!!!!!! We are tired and very happy. Also Carlow will be dedicated on Sunday! and after we are having a Welcome to the Family Party!
We have had the best visit with Tracye and Lexie we miss them so much and wish we all lived closer.
Well I have to go make my 3 kiddos clean up toys before bedtime!
Hugs and God Bless you all,

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Home is where your heart is.

Well we are home safe and sound. It was a longggggggggggggggggggg flight and going through Detroit well lets just put it this way I felt like cattle and it didn't matter that we had 3 small children one of which had a tummy ache and had to potty. We were held up in customs they made us go through then sent us to another line for Carlow. And the man was sooooooo slow he seemed not to know what he was doing, they finally called a second guy and thankfully he had more personality. This process took us 45 minutes to an hour we only had 2 hours to rush this and get to our gate.
After getting through there... I jumped into line with 3 kids and 2 strollers while Brad gathered our 6 bags. Okay right about now is where I think And a partridge in a pear tree would fit nicely
I have to tell you that after running through the Detriot airport I don't wish to ever enter through there again.
Okay now let me share that our trip was amazing I want to thank God first and foremost for allowing us to be the parents to this special little boy. And I want to thank our FTIA family and our families for suporting us through this adoption.
Our trip seemed more like a vacation it was so much fun thanks to Helen it was such a pleasure to see her when we were waiting for Judy in the airport in Guangzhou. We knew that we would have an okay time with Judy only because we had set it in our hearts this trip to make the most of things. But then Helen showed up and our hearts became light. Helen was there for the births of Katie and Cordie into our family. So her being with us for Carlow was just perfect and as things should be. It was our true pleasure because to us Helen is family and we were honored to meet her Family!
Helen please drop me a comment I have lost the paper with your email addy and name I really want to email you privately we are truely indebted to you and your family and thank yous just are not enough!
Well I'm going to go and maybe get to sleep another 2 hours the girls woke HUNGRY around 2 Am and now it's 5:22 AM and I have to be up about 7:30.
LOL after reading that it looks like a math problem and the trains left the stations at........
Night/morning to you all.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

from 10-13

Besides a beautiful son and two beautiful daughters!Carlow said Mama okay it was after he said Baba but he is coming along those have been the only words we have understood and I'm so thrilled. He likes to color with his sisters andhe copies what ever they do. Just hoguth I'd share my first Mama with you all. I am so happy!! Bekah

Friday, October 12, 2007

From Bekah :)

Yesterday we went to the orphanage and it was about a 2 hour drive in one direction. The kids did a wonderful job on the drive everyone but Mommy got a nap. The orphanage Director greeted us and gave us a tour we were able to see the baby rooms but no pictures were allowed. All I could do was touch each tiny bed and tell the little occupant that their mommies were coming! There were two little babies about 1.5 yrs old maybe with albinism a boy and a girl who will be coming to waiting children lists very soon their papers were just sent to the CCAA. Please if your looking for your son or daughter watch the lists. There are many babies that are waiting for mommies and daddies, our prayers are they come home soon .We have a picture of Carlow Qi Zhi's empty crib, it was a tense moment when they put him in his crib for a pic which was never taken because he flipped out. We also got a picture with all the nannies and the director. We are very grateful to them all for loving our Qi Zhi and taking such good care of him while we waited for him. Our Guide and friend Helen Aiye, Helen to the girls stopped so we could have lunch in Dongguan, lunch was good but the watermelon and apple juices were awesome! Cordie and Katie had some really good chicken soup and they are such wonderful world travelers they ate chicken feet and were sad there was only one. They shared it and asked for more. The soups are so much better the flavor is clean not greasy like some soups we have had at home. We were also the center of everyones attention in the whole restaurant. The girls handled the attention well. This morning we visited the Buddhist Temple and learned about a 1400 yr old Temple and how fire had damaged it but it was repaired the pagoda temple in the center only looks like it has 9 stories but in actuality it is 17 stories there are floors between each level. they were having a ceremony this morning breakfast for the ancestors. The girls were very respectful and didn't touch the beautiful flowers that were left for ancestors. The Buddhist Priest blessed our family, we were told many times how we have good hearts to take orphans home. It was my pleasure to let them know how empty my heart was until the joy of my children filled it.We then went shopping and we got some movies and some clothes for the girls. Finding clothes for Carlow Qi Zhi is hard here. You will find most boys dressed like girls. Oh that is something I had not thought of most boys are dressed like girls! So that the evil spirits won't harm the little boys. After their naming ceremony on their first birthday they will dress them differently. Anyway that is about all. Carlow Qi Zhi is bonding well he is a stinker and loves his Jie Jie da. He listens most of the time he is small but eats great. He is healthy and very active. I am going to have to get bottles for home now and a crib. LOL. Miss you all!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

ok,, so how little is he??? LOL ok,, these sinks are small!!!!!!!!!!!

visit to the orphanage


