Wednesday, September 19, 2007

, Two weeks, 14 Days, 320 hours,or 19,200 minutes But who is counting???

What is time really?
  • Something that flies by while you miss the simple things you should be enjoying.
  • Both your friend and your enemy.
  • Blink and it's gone.
  • Time seems to fly by only after you have children in your life.
  • Do not allow time you missed with your special people to be your biggest regret when your "older"
  • Do take take time to listen to your child's stories, and listen close because there really might be a moral to the story.
  • Don't be afraid to act like a kid sometimes it makes life much more fun.
  • Time is not a prison sentence unless you make it one.
  • Learn from life the first time so you don't have to continue repeating painful segments.
  • Always, Always Love God, your partner and your Children to the fullest life and time can not be rewound like a DVR it's normally fast forward mode only.

So that's my philosophical side tonight take it with a grain of salt and know that right now I still have to finish packing (no really I have to pack or um repack )

I really don't feel like we are traveling in 2 weeks, it still feels so far away, like some unobtainable dream. Someday I will only remember how fast time flew by an dhow much joy we had waiting to share our lives with Carlow. Some day I won't remember the labor pains just the beautiful child in my arms possibly with his sisters mischievous personality. I am laying bets on the mischievous part LOL.

Well I am going to close this before I completely lose the train of thought for this post.

God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are waiting for number #4 from China a second boy also with SN. Congratulations on yours! I am excited for you to be going to China soon! We are still trying to get our dossier to China! It is all done just waiting for our fingerprints clearances! Sigh...


